Refund and Returns Policy

Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

By booking a class/course/party or buying a voucher, you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions. Included in the price, all equipment to use, aprons, hats, ingredients and recipes are included for all classes, this is not included with our online classes, you may be able to purchase some of the cookery boxes to compliment the class/course. Children’s parties also include a Party Bag with cookery gift; please see party/class pages for full breakdown of what is included. Whereas we offer classes in your kitchen or at a venue near you, weekends are particularly busy, therefore classes may only be available online at weekends. 


The requested deposit/payment should be made prior to the class/party commencing with the balance (if applicable) payable before the day of the Party/Class. Booking confirmation will be provided on receipt of deposit. Cheques  are no longer an accepted term of payment. Payments can also be made via our website or BACS.

We reserve the right to alter the price of our classes/parties at any time, once we have confirmed your booking the price will not change.


All vouchers will be supplied with a use by date of at least 12 months at the time of issue. During this 12 month valid period, a booking must be made for one of our services or the voucher will be deemed invalid. If a voucher becomes out of date and a booking has not been made, we cannot extend the voucher and it will be invalidated and not usable. The purchase of a voucher does not guarantee the availability of any class/party/date(s). A date will not be deemed to be booked until confirmed by us in writing. The purchase of a voucher does not reserve an advertised price until the booking is confirmed by us in writing. We reserve the right to alter the price of our classes/parties at any time, once we have confirmed your booking the price will not change. Voucher purchases are non-refundable if you choose not to use one of our services. We will send your voucher by email, please note we cannot guarantee the delivery if we have been given/input incorrect details, so if your voucher does not arrive please let us know and we can issue another & send one to you. We will however keep a record of all purchases, so even if the voucher does not reach you, we will still honour it and it can still be used within the expiry date. We do sometimes have outside chefs come to run group classes, these may not be available for use with a voucher, but these will be clearly marked on the courses page. You may have purchased an Italian Larder voucher for a bespoke class/group class the same terms and conditions apply as described on this page.

Cancellation of Classes

Confirmed bookings may not be cancelled except in special circumstances. Bookings are, however, freely transferable so you are welcome to send someone else in your place (please advise us of any change in dietary requirements).

In the unlikely event we have to cancel a class, we will endeavour to provide a suitable alternative within a reasonable period of time or a full refund will be given. If you fail to attend one of our classes (for any reason) we reserve the right to send you an invoice/use the value of the voucher for the full amount payable (unless we/you can find someone else to fill the place for you). If you book a course/class for us to come to your home, you agree to be available unless required notice has been given; we reserve the right to charge for missed or forgotten appointments. A low cost cancellation insurance to cover your booking, is available through Cancelsure.

Cancellation of Parties

The published rate for parties will be payable and is for the indicated set number of people. If you have less people attending the party, the full minimum booking price will still be payable. We will call you a few days before the party to get final numbers attending. This will form the final booking number, on which we prepare food and party bags etc, therefore if less people actually attend on the day of the party the full minimum published price will be payable plus (published rate for each additional person attending a children’s party/ teenagers or adults party) any extra people we were advised were attending. We will not be able to accept additional people on the day unless previously arranged.

If you need to rearrange the booking, we will gladly do this where possible, assuming we have availability, if we cannot move the date due to other commitments and the party is cancelled by you, we will not refund the deposit paid, as this will cover, administration and compensation costs. In the unlikely event we have to cancel a party, we will endeavour to provide a suitable alternative within a reasonable period of time or a full refund (including deposit) will be given. A low cost cancellation insurance to cover your booking, is available through Cancelsure.

Late Arrivals

Please note that all our classes and parties have set start and finish times (as we have other scheduled events before and after). Therefore any late arrivals for parties/classes will result in the class/party having the content reduced, in order for the class to finish on time. We appreciate that arriving late is not always avoidable, but hopefully you understand that we need to ensure our other classes run on time, no refunds can be made for time lost.

Health and Safety

Sensible clothing and footwear are essential to attend our classes/parties. Long hair must be tied up.

Our classes and parties are hands on and involve heat and normal kitchen equipment. All participants are expected to be aware and act appropriately given the risks. Personal loss, injury, damage, neglect or involvement to or by you and any other class/party attendee will not be the liability of Pudding Pie Cookery School.

Special Dietary Health and Allergy Requirements

We will be happy to discuss class content with you to help you understand what is involved. If you have allergies please let us know in advance and note you attend at your own risk. If we are not advised of any Allergies in advance and we have not therefore prepared the ingredients accordingly, anyone with an Allergy may need to be excluded from the event, for safety reasons and any fee paid will be forfeited.

For anyone under the age of 18 carrying an ‘Adrenaline Pen’ for allergies, the parent/guardian or person authorised to administer the medicine, will need to remain at the party/class throughout, we are not permitted to give the medication if needed.

If you are disabled, affected by diabetes, epilepsy, pregnancy or have any other issue/illness please let us know in advance. We reserve the right to add an additional published fee for each attendee requiring special ingredients, as we will need to supply extra ingredients for any event to cater for allergies etc.

Ownership of rights

All rights, including copyright, in this website are owned by or licensed to Pudding Pie Cookery School. Any use of this website or its contents, logos, including copying or storing it or them in whole or part, other than for your own personal, non-commercial use, is prohibited without our permission. You may not modify, distribute or re-post anything on this website for any purpose. Selling, sharing or distributing any material whether written or verbal about Pudding Pie Cookery School with any other parties is strictly forbidden, material is made available for your sole personal use, sharing of any password protected member information is also prohibited. Illegal sharing of any information to non paying parties will result in prosecution.

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